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breath therapy

breathe.  gather.  laugh.  love. 

Breath Therapy - our proactive healthcare course.  


The heart of this offering is a 75-minute class, held the second Wednesday of each month from October to May. Class time is from 5:15pm to 6:30 pm PST  


This course embodies all of the elements of our healing method:

breathe.  Breath work is the foundation of all that we do.

Over 8 months you will learn original breath patterns that

heal the body, soothe stress and anxiety, increase vitality

and decrease pain.

observe. Meditation is the most effective way to observe

your thoughts and begin to thrive.  You will be guided on

a unique meditation at the end of each Breath Therapy


apply.  You will be introduced to fun and easy pain reduction

tools that help to heal your body and mind.  Including breath patterns, yoga poses, acupressure points, essential oils, hand mudras, ball rolling and more. 


love.  This course is all about proactive healthcare, which is self love at its finest.  You will bring healing to all of your body systems, flow to your energy meridians and balance to your chakras.  

You will spread love and healing to all of YOU... not because you are broken... simply because you are magnificent and deserve your love and attention.  

Calm, bliss and healing guaranteed!

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Class Schedule:


  • Oct. 9th - Introduction to Your Sweet Spine

  • Nov. 13th - Root Chakra Activation

  • Dec. 11th - Womb Chakra Activation

  • Jan. 8th - Solar Plexus Chakra Activation

  • Feb. 12th - Heart Chakra Activation ❤️

  • Mar. 5th - Throat Chakra Activation (first Wednesday for this month)

  • Apr. 9th - Third-Eye Chakra Activation

  • May 14th - Crown Chakra Activation

✨ Drop-In Classes ✨

Monthly Drop-in Classes $25 each


Each class includes: 

💫 Live Class… Join In-Person or Online

💫 Unlimited Access to the Class Recording

💫Unlimited Access to the 20 min. Class Meditation

Attend LIVE in-person or online​...

click below for all the details!

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