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New Moon Beginnings

As you may have noticed, we talk about the moon frequently… this blog post included 😊

With a new moon coming up in a few days, let’s talk about new beginnings and what that can mean in each of our lives with some practical applications.

I must admit, there were times in my life when I heard people talking about ‘new beginnings’ and I would get a knot in my stomach. Perhaps this was because I didn’t really understand what the statement meant, or I did have the notion that it suggested change, and I was not ready for that.

I have often resisted change because I had a belief that ‘real’ change meant big things needed to happen… quit my job, move to another city, leave a relationship, etc. And although yes, these things are change for sure, I have felt such calm and even excitement at the thought of change when I realized that change could be subtle, simple and easy and still have big impact in my life!

To share with you what I mean, here are some examples of subtle, simple and easy changes… just to name a few:

  • change negative thoughts you have about yourself to positive ones

  • make time to do things that give you joy ❤️

  • surround yourself with positive like-minded people

  • give yourself permission to say no when it’s the best choice for you

  • give yourself permission to say no without apologizing

  • give yourself permission to say Yes when you really want to

  • make a bucket list – things you really want to do or experience

  • make a fuck-it list – things you don’t really want to do, but think you should

  • smile at strangers

  • take deep breaths

  • customize this list so that it feels right for YOU 💫

So, what does the moon, or more specifically the New Moon have to do with all this??

Well, the New Moon is the first phase of the moon’s 29.5 day cycle. It is when the moon is directly in-line between the sun and the earth. The moon does not generate its own light, it reflects sunlight. During a New Moon the moon looks dark from the earth because it is reflecting its light back to the sun.

The combination of the new moon being the first and darkest phase of the moon’s monthly cycle, does seem like a great time for new beginnings. All new ideas, creations and experiences are hidden in the darkness until they are created or acted upon to bring them into the light of reality.

Here are some practices for you to consider as the next New Moon approaches:

Creating a New Moon Intention List

  • Props needed:

    • Candle (votive or tealight)

    • Your favourite notebook or electronic device

  • Find a comfortable spot to sit and make a list of things you want to accomplish

    • All desires are welcome… whether it’s something you want to accomplish in the next week, month or year!

    • If it’s an intention for the next year feel free to include it again in future new moon intention lists

  • Be specific – feel free to write a few words or sentences describing what these accomplishments will FEEL like when completed

  • When your list is complete, light a candle and spend a few minutes allowing yourself to feel the reality of these intentions… just breath and let these feelings of accomplishment fill you up

    • When you’re done, you can extinguish the candle or let it burn out.

    • If you extinguish the candle know that every time you burn it will be a reminder of the intentions set this day

Start Something New

  • Props needed:

    • You and your willingness to try something new 😊

  • The new moon is all about creating

  • The new moon is also a great time to meet new people and accept unexpected invitations

  • This is the perfect time to initiate any new action…

    • Join a class, a pickleball team or a book club

    • Apply for that job you’ve been thinking about

    • If you’re single, go on a first date

    • If you’re coupled, plan an event with your partner that you haven’t done before

    • Start anything and everything you feel passionate about!

Whether you’re someone who loves the moon and already has your own moon routines, or if you’re someone who doesn’t really pay attention to the moon or you are somewhere in-between, may the next New Moon phase bring experiences of happiness, success and love to you in ways that you wish to receive them.

Below is a link to a previous blog that briefly outlines additional information on the moon and her phases:

If you would like to try something new, check out our monthly LIVE Breath Therapy drop-in class as detailed below…

November 8 – Boosting Your Immune System!

In-Person Drop in - CA$20/class

  • IN-PERSON Drop-in Includes:​

    • Live in-person class at Knox Performance Centre, 1448 5th Ave, Prince George, BC

    • 5:15pm to 6:30pm PST

    • NO online attendance or class recordings

    • Pay at the door upon arrival

Online Drop in - CA$20/class

  • ONLINE Drop-in Includes:​

    • Live in-person class - attended via Zoom link provided

    • 5:15pm to 6:30pm PST

    • NO class recordings

    • Click HERE to sign-up for November 8 class

Much love,



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