Step 3 is “Apply a Pain Reduction Tool”
This is where most of us start when dealing with pain. You take a Tylenol, apply a joint rub, get a massage, book a surgery.
Don’t get us wrong. . . applying a pain reduction tool is very helpful and can speed up your healing. . . but most times, when we feel pain and immediately jump to apply a pain relief tool - we are in the frequency of the problem!
“I am broken and I must do ‘this’ to fix myself!”
Our whole medical system is built on this premise of reactive healthcare. It can help. . . but it is the long, slow way to heal. The frequency of the problem just attracts more pain and suffering!
Instead, if Step 1: Breathe and Step 2: Observe become your first reactions to a pain trigger. . . they cause you to stop, reset and make your way out of the frequency of the problem and into the frequency of the solution. They address the root of the issue, rather than just applying a quick fix bandage.
When you make a decision about which pain reduction tool to apply from the frequency of the solution . . . now you are rockin’ & things begin to heal very quickly!
The pain reduction tool that you chose may be as simple as; thinking a better thought, ball rolling the spot, using a cannabis topical, applying some essential oils or taking a Tylenol. Honestly, the best tool, in the moment, is usually the first thing that comes to mind.
We often receive a thought about the perfect thing to help us and we disregard it, doubt it or say we will do it later (and never do!) Do it right away. . . don’t wait! You just received “Intuitive Guidance from the frequency of the solution” Don’t ignore that!
Over time, you will gather a tool belt of unique solutions and you will hone the skill of intuitively knowing which one is perfect for your current circumstance.
Over at we have cultivated a beautiful set of pain reduction tools; our own custom-made cannabis topicals, red light therapy, a great tennis ball, one to one sessions, rehab courses, essential oils and more! These are the tools that have worked best for us and for thousands of our clients. Please feel free to check them out and ask us any questions that you may have.
Also, please reach out to us at to share any tools that work great for you. We are always on the lookout for more awesome solutions!