Step 2 is “Observe Your Thoughts!”
Once you have practiced breathing through painful movement, you are ready for the second step in our method.
When you feel pain, not only are you holding your breath, you are also thinking a negative thought! It may be specifically about your pain “is this damn knee ever going to heal?” or it may be about life in general “I really do not like my boss!” By observing what you are thinking when you experience pain you will easily track down the thoughts and feelings that have you in a holding pattern of discomfort.
That is what pain is all about. . . it is your body letting you know that something requires change! Habitual negative thoughts such as fear, worry, anger, and self-doubt create dense, heavy energy that can block the flow of life force energy in your body. This leads to physical and emotional imbalances, causing symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, depression, and. . . chronic pain.
Here is how it works:
Step 1 - Breathe through your painful movement pattern
Step 2 - Observe your thoughts (ask yourself - What was I just thinking
This question takes practice, because often we are unaware of the habitual, underground thoughts and beliefs that we hold onto. They were picked up very early on from our parents, school and society at large.
By the time you are experiencing physical pain. . .that crappy belief has been hanging around for quite awhile. This process takes a little time to unravel, but we promise, just like holding your breath. . . it is going to surprise you how worry resides in your knees or overwhelm has settled into your neck.
The great news. . . just observing those thought trends and becoming aware is enough to change the pain game!
Please remember to be kind to yourself while you practice Step 2! We are asking you to lean into some discomfort. . . while you practice getting comfortable with observing your uncomfortable thoughts.
There are two ways to observe your thoughts:
1. Immediately in the moment of pain
2. Setting aside 15-20 minutes a day to meditate
Quieting your thoughts through meditation accelerates the observation process, as it becomes very apparent what negative beliefs are running around on the hamster wheel in your mind when you are in stillness.
We have a beautiful series of 12 Moon Cycle Meditations, that focus on all of the systems of your body, that are available through our website if you would like to check them out!
Give this a try & remember that kindness is the key!